Enviro Finishing

Is your business talking green? Lift environmental performance and improve industry sustainability with AISF’s Enviro Finishing.

Enviro finishing is an AISF initiative which promotes an environmental responsible approach and ensures sustainable development for the future of our industry.

With ever increasing regulations, and increased waste disposal costs which continue to plague the industry, Enviro Finishing provides AISF members with a comprehensive guide to understanding your environmental responsibilities and measuring your business performance against regulatory guidelines

It also provides guidance on:

  • environmental compliance
  • reducing waste streams
  • increasing materials and utilities efficiencies
  • best practice technologies to recover resources
  • support and access to funding for new technologies
  • energy, water and resource efficiency support and consultants

Make the most of your AISF Membership...

Contact us to see how we can assist you admin@aisf.org.au or 02 9160 4744

AISF membership serves as a fantastic opportunity to be part of a leading industry association and provides an enviable platform to be recognised as an industry leader amongst your peers Australia wide.