To All AISF Members and Industry Stakeholders,
A new year often brings new challenges, however if you were to ask anyone on the street,I do not think they would say they are sad to see the end of 2020. However in thesurface finishing industry, all of the applicators and suppliers I have had the pleasure totalk with have seen an increase of work flow as a result to importing issues from Covid-19. So there can be benefits to adversity.
In addition to the growth of manufacturing in Australia, we continue to see a renewedinterest in the benefits of joining an industry leading membership institute such as theAISF. During 2020 we witnessed prospective changes to safe work practices andenvironmental changes which have the potential to greatly impact the ways we operateour businesses on a daily basis. Along with the relevant Australian Government agenciesreaching out to the AISF for our input into managing these decisions.
2021 is already beginning to demonstrate the importance of having a industry lead institute with 16 of our guiding Australian Standards being reconfirmed and requiring review and further development of locating and working with a suitable registered training organisation to secure the future of training for our industry. We are also looking at additional ways the AISF can help evolve our industry and maintain the professional workmanship standards which proudly reflect the Australian way of manufacturing. All we can say on this is to continue to “watch this space” as our ideas begin to bloom.